Making Bitcoin become Real

Since the beginning of 2014 , I have been giving personal home meetings about bitcoin.   The idea of this project is to make aware those people in my local community.   The project has been received awesomely by those that attend.

My most resent meeting was held this past Saturday.   It was a follow up meeting from last week.(I give this meetings everyone week).   I took this time to do something very different in addition to all my other meetings.  Not only give away some bitcoin, yet also aid my attendee with their very first Bitcoin/crytocurrency purchase.

So I had my attendee get a wallet, using   This took all about about 10 mins.   So far so good.   Then I sent him some bits.   While this transaction was hashed into the blockchain, I had him register his account with a very reputable bitcoin merchant , Amagi Metals.


Once the coins were in his wallet, I had him go pick out a piece of awesome silver.   The silver piece chosen and in cart, now time for check out.   We then proceed to check out and get to several payment options.   Then his see the bitcoin option.   He says with excitement, Oh Kewl, bitcoin.  He clicks on the bitcoin payment and then the payment invoice comes up with payment address.   I have him clipboard the payment key, go back to his wallet, and paste the key into his send payment and click…done.   He then switches back over to the Amagi page and was happy to see the invoice has been paid notice.

All these steps took just under 40mins.

So to recap,  my attendee, setup his first crypto wallet, got free bitcoin, made his first purchasing using bitcoin, and in a few days will have a gorgeous piece of silver to boot.

Now this was a very successful and fun meeting.

I just hope he was truly as excited about this as I was.

None the less, now bitcoin is REAL to him.


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