Not meant to be a club!!

So, you may have 10 personal referrals, and those 10 combined might have 50 or more.  The question is how productive is your average  sponsoee for your entire group?   While with all these great and wonderful technology it is easy for us to thank, build it and they will come.  True they indeed may join your group, but what will they do, just be a place holder?   You need to activate those in your down-line.  And to do that you must build personal relationships with them.   Find out why they joined your group.  Ask if this idea works for you, what do you want to get from it.  It is our job as a good upline sponsor to ask these questions and help those in our group to achieve just that.   You as the upline sponsor is the coach, and your referred people is your team.   In order for you to have a winning team, you must find out what each player is willing to do to win the game.

So make no mistake.  It is very easy to get a whole bunch of people to sign up for free.   And if they are doing nothing then you don’t have a business, you have a club, and this is not meant to be  club!

Reach out to those in your group today and start building those personally relationships.

Only then will you be set on the path of having a winning team.



3 thoughts on “Not meant to be a club!!”

  1. Good article Jay, I think most people need to learn how to generate leads first, that’s what I teach. This keeps them from becoming needy because they know they have 5-10 leads coming in everyday.


    1. thats correct. I teach how to get leads the old fashion way. First of course the warm leads, family and friends. Then the face to face cold leads. Hopefully people will take heed of my words, and put it to good use. It works!!!


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